Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's The Best Way to Advertise and Market Your Product, Brand or Service?

 Today the marketplace is the Internet. 

And on the Internet... it's VIDEO!

Online videos are how people get their news, 
their messages and their entertainment.

It's how they make their choices.

Today people are online wherever they are. Whether it's on their ipad, iphone or droid, they're constantly on the web.

It's a world of new media with 100's of millions of people online everyday.

That's where we come in. We've put together a network of more than 100 mainstream video websites that we use to launch our clients' videos into this world of new media

A video that "virals" will be seen by more people 
than a Network TV commercial.

The video syndication system we've developed will put your video out there and get the viral process started.

When "your video" virals, it will be seen by millions, 
or even tens of millions, of people.

This is not an exaggeration: we've done this repeatedly for our clients and some of their results are on this page.

FOX Broadcasting used our service to promote sporting events on their Fuel TV channel. The video below viralled to more than 200,000 websites and pages getting millions of views.

The video below has been seen by more than 20 million people on the Internet and it is still getting views.

This is an extremely successful viral video for an energy drink.

Viral Video Marketing is affordable for anyone and it is far less expensive than TV or any other media.

Here are price plans for our services:

Viral Test Plan..................$395.00
Basic Syndication.............$495.00
Medium Syndication.........$695.00
Wide Syndication..............$895.00

So, whether you're selling a product, service, promoting a brand, movie or event, you should be using viral video.

The point is: Viral Videos work.

Have questions? Feel free to contact us at

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